RWC77.COM is one of our Trusted 918KISS agent in Malaysia. The best thing about RWC77 is their promotions are quite special. This is one of their 918KISS Jackpot promotion, which you may get 7 free spins in their Wheel of Fortune if you hit any Jackpots such as Minor, Major or Random in our 918KISS. For more information, you may refer to http://rwc77.com/promotions/ or contact them as below:
Website: www.rwc77.com
Whatsapp: 01131731431
Wechat ID: rwc-77

Congratulations to one of RWC77.COM member that won Random Jackpot RM1,404.09 in 918KISS's Seaworld, which the member entitled for another 7 free spins in Wheel of Fortune.

RWC77.COM is famous for their Wheel of Fortune which member stand a chance to win prizes such as RM77, RM777, RM7,777 and Jackpots RM50,000.